Our Statement of Faith
We believe that a clear statement of faith is a wonderful gift to the church of Jesus Christ. Similarly, our statement of faith seeks to establish historical continuity and unity with other Christians. We aim to show that we are not given to theological novelties, but stand with two feet firmly planted in the historic Christian tradition.
Salem Reformed Baptist Confession of Faith
About Marriage, Sexuality, and the Sexes
We believe that marriage is a God-given institution, ordained by the Creator. The Word of God defines marriage as a lifelong covenant (commitment to one another) between only one man (male at birth) and only one woman (female at birth) (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:1-9, Mark 10:1-12). Though various cultures and customs have changing definitions of marriage, it is God alone who has ultimate authority to prescribe and describe the marital relationship. We strongly reject the concept of “homosexual marriage.”
We believe that sexual intimacy is only properly exercised and pursued within the confines of this marital relationship. Sexual immorality, defined as any sexual activity outside of the boundaries of the sacred marital relationship between one man and one woman, is clearly and expressly prohibited by the Lord (Matthew
Without making one inferior to the other, God calls upon both men and women to fulfill the roles and responsibilities specifically designed for them, a pattern that can be seen even in the Godhead.
(Matthew 15:19, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Hebrews 13:4).
We believe that God created only two sexes (see Section IV Man) and that it is sinful to intend or desire to surgically alter one’s biological birth sex to a different sex. Since the body is a creation of God, the church holds sexual identity to be biologically determined, and associated sexual norms are to be observed as fitting to biblical standards. Disagreement with one’s biological sex only leads to spiritual confusion and emotional chaos (Genesis 1:27, Romans 1:26-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
We believe that though sinful sexual expression is egregious (as is all sin), the gospel provides redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 3:3-7).
We believe that women play a vital role in the life of the Church but in keeping with God's created design, they are not permitted "to teach or to have authority over a man" (1 Timothy 2:11). From the very beginning, women fulfilled a vital role in the Christian church (Acts 1:12–14; 9:36–42; 16:13–15; 17:1–4, 10–12; 18:1–2, 18, 24–28; Romans 16; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 1:5; 4:19), but not one of leadership. The apostles were all men; the chief missionary activity was done by men; the writing of the New Testament was the work of men; and leadership in the churches was entrusted to men. Although the Apostle Paul respected women and worked side by side with them for the furtherance of the gospel (Romans 16; Philippians 4:3), he appointed no female elders or pastors. In his letters, he urged that men were to be the leaders in the church and that women were not to teach or exercise authority over men (1 Timothy 2:12). Therefore, although women are spiritual equals with men and the ministry of women is essential to the body of Christ, women are excluded from leadership over men in the church. Men and women stand as equals before God, both bearing the image of God Himself. Without making one inferior to the other, God calls upon both men and women to fulfill the roles and responsibilities specifically designed for them, a pattern that can be seen even in the Godhead (1 Corinthians 11:3). In fulfilling the divinely given roles taught in the New Testament, both women and men are able to realize their full potential because they are following the plan of their own Creator and Designer.
For a more articulate and detailed view of our beliefs relevant to this section, see the Nashville Statement from A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality.[5]
[5] Nashville Statement by A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality, https://cbmw.org/nashville-statement/ (accessed August 31, 2017).